Nisi V7 vs Nisi V6
About a year ago I had the opportunity to buy my first set of filters, at that time I did an exhaustive search, with the sole purpose of finding which brand, kit and types of filters would work best for the type of photos I take today.
During this search I remember that I took into consideration the following aspects:
Types of filters that were included in the kit.
Materials of construction
After taking these points into consideration, I came to the conclusion that the Nisi kits were the best option for my requirements, the best kit for me at that time was the professional kit.
Why am I telling you all this?
I am telling you this because, I have always been intrigued by the improvements in photographic products that I have used so far; and this could not be the exception, how could one improve something that already met the high demands of many photographer.
Well that is the case with the new V7 holder; with this new version Nisi has improved what seemed difficult to improve.
Many will be thinking, well in the end it's just a holder, the most important thing is the filters.
Yes and no, filters help you to control both the amount of light and the exposure times needed for certain types of photos, but the holder helps you with versatility when using a product.
In landscape photography we know how fast the light changes, so much so that the amount of time we have during a sunrise or sunset is limited to just a few minutes and this is where the holder comes in.
Imagine having to take out the whole set of filters, then start struggling with trying to mount the holder in front of the lens and finally put the filters in (at this point alone we will have already consumed about 3 minutes).
This is where the Nisi V7 holder has the advantage over the Nisi V6, the speed to mount this filter has improved, the amount of actions to perform before starting to take pictures has decreased, but most importantly the functionality of this V7 holder has increased.
But a lot of explanation and little visualisation...
Let's move on to the good stuff.
New rotation lock design combined with the release pin
I will start by showing the most significant change in the V7 version compared to the V6 version:
As you can see, this new holder comes with a new unified rotation locking system and release pin, which helps to reduce the number of actions needed to release the filter holder.
New Point to Point CPL
We also have the new mounting system for the new version of the CPL, which allows us to save time when inserting the new CPL.
We no longer have to rotate so many times to insert the CPL filter, now we just need to align the guides and then execute a small twist.
New True Color CPL which prevents the yellow cast introduced from most CPL
And we also have the new version of the circular CPL filter, which now comes with a cooler tone.
List of what is included in this new kit:
V7 Holder
True Color CPL
Main 82 mm adapter ring
Adapter (77mm, 72mm, 67mm)
Lens Cap
Storage Pouch
As you can see the new version of the holder, does not come with changes that will directly affect your photos, but it does come with changes that will be more versatile when setting up your holder and filters in front of your camera and as I mentioned before and as you already know, in landscape photography every second counts.
If you already have a set of filters and a holder from other brands but are looking for a new system, I personally recommend you 100% the new V7 kit from Nisi.
And if you don't already have a filter system and are looking for a good set of filters and a holder that will take your photography to the next level, Nisi's V7 kits are for you.
Where to buy this filter here in switzerland: