About me..
My name is Angel Henrriquez, a nica-tico born in 1989. Since the end of 2017 I had the opportunity to come and live in this beautiful country called Switzerland, more specifically in the beautiful city of Thun.
Since my first trip to this beautiful country, I had the opportunity to get to know a little of its beauties and many of those memories were captured and stored both in my brain and my hard drive.
And that is exactly what photography means to me, memories and experiences taken and captured in milliseconds, experiences that we would like to keep for a lifetime.
As human beings over time, we tend to forget many of those experiences and more in the times we live in. There are so many experiences that we accumulate day by day, that it is almost impossible to store so many memories in your brain.
But thanks to technology, we have the opportunity to keep those incredible moments that only happen a few times in life; whether it is a wedding, a special moment with the family or simply being in a certain place doing an activity that fills us with joy and life.
And that is exactly why I am here offering you my photography services.
To be able to capture those moments and be able to keep them, if not for a lifetime, at least for a long time.
If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact me.