Blow that dust away
The amount of accessories that exist in the world of photography is enormous, from the great variety of cameras, lenses and filters, to the secondary accessories, such as those that are used so that our primary equipment is in the best conditions, so when taking pictures we can get the best results.
Of all these secondary accessories, there is one in particular that caught my attention last year, an accessory which can not miss in your backpack photography equipment.
The accessory I'm talking about is the BB2 or Blower baby 2.
When the blower baby 1 was introduced, there was a lot of talk in the photography world about what was going to do to keep our equipment free of those annoying dust particles.
The impact of this accessory was so great that they were sold out.
Time passed and NITECORE decided that they didn't want to keep just an indispensable secondary accessory for photographers.
So they took the initiative to turn the BB2 into a primary accessory in our photographic equipment.
The BB2 comes to the market with many improvements, new design and above all more BPM power.
Let's talk about its features:
Built-in 7.2Wh Li-ion Battery: Compared to the previous generation, the battery power has increased by 30%, which can provide approx. 210 cleaning times.
33.6W High Power Motor: Compared to the previous generation, the motor power has increased by about 51%, which can easily blow away the dust on the lens. 80km/h(49.7mph) strong wind able to clean a larger area with an upgraded cleaning efficiency.
Optimized Air Duct and Impeller: Designed by the application of fluid dynamics, the air duct can effectively reduce wind resistance while improving wind power. 42mm(1.7") integrated impeller with 20 hight density spiral blades provide a compact and lightweight construction to reduce noise and increase air-blowing efficiency.
3 Modes are Available: There are 3 modes available, to dial the mode dial, you can select Turbo Mode (High-efficiency cleaning performance), Optical Mode(for camera sensor cleaning), and Silent Mode (With 55dB minimal noise). Activating the Lock Mode to prevent accidental activation when carrying or storing.
Quick Release Brush & User-friendly LED Light: A Camera body cleaning brush is included, and a lens cleaning brush was sold separately for changing brushes according to the different cleaning needs.
The product is equipped with a high CRI light(CRI>=90), which can be activated in darkness to clean the areas hard to see, achieving a thorough cleaning.
One of the things I like most about a company is innovation, that's where NITCORE shines. A company dedicated to provide both Photographers and Filmakers, the necessary tools to make the process from planning to the final photo or video as easy as possible.
This testing process has led me to several conclusions about both BB2 and NITECORE as a company.
Here I share them with you:
This accessory has to be included in your camera bag, it is a tool that can get you out of trouble during a photo shoot.
Another thing I love about this accessory is its quick response when changing speeds (Silent, Optical and Turbo).
When cleaning your camera or lenses, you will see that all the functionality of this device will be required.
And the strongest point of this accessory, its portability and weight.
Well it's time to talk about this great company that last year was on its 15th anniversary.
A company that with every device they release, you can see the love they put into their products in order for its costumers to have the best experience.
And finally innovation.
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